KRAUS & NAIMER Control and Load Switches for higher Capacities

29 Switch Function and Configuration L Switches Function/Type Escutch. Plate Handle Code Stages Double Latching Connection Diagram L350 L630 L1000 L351 L631 Additional length for switches size S2 for mounting E/EF = 27 mm Additional length for switches size S3 for mounting E/EF = 31,5 mm and mounting ER/VE = 20,1 mm Double-throw Switches with Center „OFF" 60° Switching 1 pole L350 2 pole 3 pole 4 pole F071 K K K K WAA210 WAA211 WAA212 WAA213 2 4 6 8 1-4 pole 1 pole L351 2 pole 3 pole 4 pole F071 K K K K WAA210 WAA211 WAA212 WAA213 2 4 6 8 1-4 pole 1 pole L400 2 pole 3 pole 4 pole F071 K K K K WAA210 WAA211 WAA212 WAA213 2 4 6 8 1-4 pole 1 pole L600 2 pole 3 pole 4 pole F071 K K K H WAA210 WAA211 WAA212 WAA213 3 6 9 12 1-4 pole 1 pole L630 2 pole 3 pole F071 K K K WAA210 WAA211 WAA212 4 8 12 1-3 pole 1 pole L631 2 pole 3 pole F071 K K K WAA210 WAA211 WAA212 4 8 12 1-3 pole 1 pole L800 2 pole 3 pole F071 K K K WAA210 WAA211 WAA212 4 8 12 1-3 pole 1 pole L1000 2 pole F071 K K WAA210 WAA211 6 12 1 and 2 pole 1 pole L1200 F071 K WAA210 6 1 pole L1600 F071 K WAA210 8 1 pole L2000 F071 H WAA210 10 < back to table of contents > Dimensions p.56