48 Technical Data CAD Switches Selection Data CAD4-1 CAD11 CAD12 1Valid for lines with grounded common neutral termination, overvoltage category III, pollution degree 3. Values for other supply systems on request. 2International Standards and Approvals, refer to page 43. 3Max. 300 V. 4For electromagnetic optional extras see additional data in Catalog 101. 5Values for switches with spring return on request. 6Storage temperature: -40 °C to 85 °C (in case of temperature below -5 °C no shock load permissible). 7Values with lower voltages on request. Rated Insulation Voltage Ui IEC 60947-3, EN 60947-31 VDE 0660 part 107 SEV2 North America min. voltage Rated Impulse Withstand Voltage Uimp Rated Thermal Current Iu/Ith IEC 60947-3, EN 60947-3 VDE 0660 part 107 SEV2 Nordamerika Rated Operational Current Ie IEC 60947-3, EN 60947-3 VDE 0660 part 107 AC-21A Switching of resistive North America3 1 V/6 V loads, including mo- 12 V/24 V derate overloads 48 V/110 V 220 V/400 V 440 V/500 V 600 V AC-1 Resistive or low SEV2 1 V/6 V inductive loads 12 V/24 V 48 V/110 V 220 V/380 V 440 V/500 V 600 V Power loss per contact at Iu Short Circuit Protection Max. fuse size (gG-characteristic) Rated short-time withstand current (1s-current) DC Switching Capacity5 IEC 60947-3, EN 60947-3 VDE 0660 part 107 DC-1 Resistive load SEV2 1 V/6 V T = 1 ms North America3 12 V/24 V 48 V/60 V 110 V/220 V 240 V/500 V 600 V Max. Permissible Wire Gage - Use copper wire only Single-core or stranded wire Flexible wire (sleeving in accordance with DIN 46228) Flexible AWG wires (without sleeve) Tightening torque of screws Min. Ambient Temperature of Stages Max. Ambient Temperature of Stages4, 6 open at 100 % I u/Ith enclosed at 100 % Ithe V V V V A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A W A A A A A A A A mm2 AWG mm2 AWG Nm Ib-in 440 600 600 – 600 600 300 300 300 17 1 6 on request 5 6 6 – 5 5 5 6 6 5/2 6/3 –/6 1,2/0,7 2/1 5/5 0,45/0,25 0,8/0,4 4/3 0,15/– 0,2/0,13 2/1,3 0,1/– 0,1/0,08 1/0,8 – 0,05 0,5 – 5/3 –/5 – 2/1 5/5 – 0,8/0,4 4/3 – 0,2/0,13 2/1,3 – 0,1/0,08 1/0,8 – 0,05 0,5 0,4 0,5 0,2 5 6 6 30 35 50 3/1,2 4/2,5 –/4 0,7/0,4 1,5/0,8 3/2,2 0,25/0,2 0,3/0,27 1,2/1 0,13/– 0,2/0,1 0,6/0,3 0,08/– 0,08/0,03 0,25/0,1 0,02 0,1 2x 2x 2x 1,5 2,5 2,5 14 12 12 2x 2x 2x 1,5 2,5 2,5 (1) (2,5) (2,5) 16 14 14 0,4 0,6 0,6 3,5 5 5 -25 °C (valid only without optional extra) 55 °C during 24 hours with peaks up to 60 °C 35 °C during 24 hours with peaks up to 40 °C < back to table of contents > –