KRAUS & NAIMER Push Buttons and Pilot Lights

< back to table of contents > Complete Standard Units 7 Code Code Emergency Stop Push Buttons Cam Switches P SN/PV-K01 P SN/PV-K11 P SN/PVS-K01 P SN/PV-KC11-IY P SN/PV-KC02-IY P FT/R-V-KC01-IY CG4 A200-600 FS1 CG4 A290-600 FS1 CG4 A210-600 FS1 CG4 A211-600 FS1 CG4 A214-600 FS1 CG4 A710-600 FS1 Cam switches, IP 65 ON/OFF switches Double-throw switches Double-throw switches with spring return to center Double-throw switches with electrically isolated contacts For further cam switches, refer to Catalog 120. 1 pole 1 pole 2 pole 1 pole 1 pole Emergency stop push buttons, IP 66/IP 69K fool-proof acc. to ISO 13850/EN 418 reset by pulling complement max: 4 contact blocks reset by key operation 1 key, locking MS1 top yellow, bottom black reset by pulling complement max: 3 contact blocks foot and palm switch, IP 67/IP 69K top yellow, bottom black reset by pulling red red red red red red 21 22 13 14 21 22 21 22 13 14 21 22 11 12 21 22 21 22