KN_Main Catalog

228 PUSH BUTTONS AND PILOT LIGHTS MAIN CATALOG Front elements Front elements Push buttons non-illuminated IP67 / IP69K flush extended Push buttons illuminated IP67 / IP69K flush extended Pilot lights IP67 / IP69K flush extended (conical) Rotary switches IP66 non-illuminated ¹ Changeable by coding pieces from latching (60° switching angle) to spring return function (40° switching angle). Rotary switches IP66 illuminated ¹ Changeable by coding pieces from latching (60° switching angle) to spring return function (40° switching angle). 26,9 10 16,4 16,4 11,5 18 10 26,9 2 spring return positions 2 latching positions ¹ 3 spring return positions 3 spring return positions P.SN/WK 5000814 P.SN/WRK 5000821 P.SN/WK3 5000815 P.SN/WRK3 5000822 Color Name Art. no. Name Art. no. Name Art. no. spring return, flush latched, flush spring return, extended P.SN/DL/W 2169082 P.SN/DRL/W 2169087 P.SN/DLH/W 2169086 P.SN/DL/R 5000752 P.SN/DRL/R 2232765 P.SN/DLH/R 2169085 P.SN/DL/G 5000751 P.SN/DRL/G 2232613 P.SN/DLH/G 2169084 P.SN/DL/Y 2169083 P.SN/DRL/Y 5001291 P.SN/DLH/Y 5001103 P.SN/DL/B 5000750 P.SN/DRL/B 2221166 P.SN/DLH/B 5001102 P.SN/DL/R/X0 2169081 P.SN/DL/G/X1 2169080 flush extended (conical) P.SN/L/W 5000069 P.SN/LH/W 5000795 P.SN/L/R 5000150 P.SN/LH/R 5000077 P.SN/L/G 5000782 P.SN/LH/G 5000076 P.SN/L/Y 5000784 P.SN/LH/Y 5000796 P.SN/L/B 5000781 P.SN/LH/B 2169097 Color Name Art. no. Name Art. no. 2 Stellungen tastend 2 Stellungen rastend ¹ P.SN/WLK/W 5000817 P.SN/WRLK/W 5000826 P.SN/WLK/R On request P.SN/WRLK/R 5000825 P.SN/WLK/G On request P.SN/WRLK/G 5000824 P.SN/WLK/Y 5000818 P.SN/WRLK/Y 5000827 P.SN/WLK/B On request P.SN/WRLK/B 5000823 3 Stellungen tastend 3 Stellungen rastend ¹ P.SN/WLK3/W 5000820 P.SN/WRLK3/W5000831 P.SN/WLK3/R On request P.SN/WRLK3/R 5000830 P.SN/WLK3/G 5000819 P.SN/WRLK3/G 5000829 P.SN/WLK3/Y On request P.SN/WRLK3/Y 5000832 P.SN/WLK3/B On request P.SN/WRLK3/B 5000828 Color Name Art. no. Name Art. no. spring return, flush spring return, extended P.SN/D/S 5000738 P.SN/DH/S On request P.SN/D/W 2169074 P.SN/DH/W On request P.SN/D/R 5000737 P.SN/DH/R 2169078 P.SN/D/G 5000059 P.SN/DH/G 2169077 P.SN/D/Y 2169075 P.SN/DH/Y 2235198 P.SN/D/B 2169071 P.SN/DH/B 2326531 P.SN/D/R/X0 2169073 P.SN/DH/R/X0 2219211 P.SN/D/G/X1 2169072 P.SN/DH/G/X1 On request – – P.SN/DH/W/X1 2169079 – – P.SN/DH/S/X0 On request < Back to the catalog directory >